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OSPF Down-bit and Capability vrf-lite
This topic is not only to understand what is the OSPF Down-bit or Capability vrf-lite feature, but the main purpose of this article is to eliminate a common confusion caused…
IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol
The Neighbor Discovery Protocol (ND) is described in RFC 4861 as a protocol in the internet protocol suite operates in the link-layer of the internet module and used by IPv6…
The importance of this article lies in why do the ABR (Area Boarder Routers) need to originate a new type of LSA (Link State Advertisements) side to side to Type-5…
L2VPN Interworking
The subject of this topic is divided into two parts L2VPN & Interworking, Starting with the first part “L2VPN” we are not going deeply with the L2VPN architecture but in…
Multi-VRF Selection
While searching for a solution for a problem that I was facing a week ago, I stumbled upon this feature “Multi-VRF selection”, only the name was enough to make curious…
Understanding policy-map – police (bc) and (be) parameters
While i was working in packet loss issue with one of our customers i found the below results:First we need to know what (bc) and (be) values are using for:Policing uses…
Q-in-Q At A Glance
In service provider networks, Ethernet technology is taking over ATM technology, and the demand of VLANs is increasing by the increase of the service provider customer being served. The VLAN-ID…
IS-IS TLV Concept
TLV stands for (Type Length Value) and it is a Variable-Length field appended to the IS-IS PDUs and gives the IS-IS a lot of capabilities. IS-IS was not designed to…